
Top 5 Tuesday: Comedians

I love me some stand-up comedy, always have. I used to spend entire weekends watching Comedy Central Presents, and I could still remember bits and pieces from every one of those comics if I were to see them again. I'd watch the "Presents" specials, Premium Blend, Comic Remix, anything that I thought might make me laugh. Of course, in that bunch you'd have plenty of duds. Premium Blend was reserved for those comedians still trying to really break into the business, and some of them, quite frankly, just didn't have what it takes. Some of them make it though, and you see them over and over later as they start to become popular.

I also caught the first season of Last Comic Standing back in the day. Well, the first and seconds seasons, but that's about as far as it goes. After that, I started to recognize several of the men and women that were auditioning from their previous Comedy Central specials, and I thought it was a little bush league to be trying to get another Comedy Central special via that route since they'd already technically broken into the business. The first and second seasons though produced some pretty good names, and we ended up seeing a few of them at FSU down the line.

However, when it comes to stand up, you're always going to have your favorite. I could list dozens of comedians that I've seen both in person and on TV that absolutely leave me rolling, but when it comes to my book, these are the Top 5 Comedians.

5. Dave Chappelle:

4. Patton Oswalt:

3. Zach Galifianakis:

2. Jim Gaffigan:

1. Mitch Hedberg:

*UPDATE: In the late hour of the night that I wrote this post, I regretfully omitted one of my favorite comedians: Daniel Tosh. Meghan and I usually watch Tosh.0, have watched both of his stand up specials on Comedy Central, and even went to go see him at UCF's homecoming. I'm not sure where he'd fall on this list now that I've already arranged them all, so I'll just give you a clip to enjoy. So, enjoy!

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